Sunday, January 26, 2020

Algorithm to Prevent Obstacle Collision

Algorithm to Prevent Obstacle Collision Description: In this paper, we develop an algorithm to prevent collision with obstacles autonomous mobile robot based on visual observation of obstacles. The input to the algorithm is fed a sequence of images recorded by a camera on the robot B21R in motion. The information is then extracted from the optical flow image sequence to be used in the navigation algorithm. Optical flow provides important information about the state of the environment around the robot, such as the disposition of the obstacles, the place of the robot, the time to collision and depth. The strategy is to estimate the number of points of the obstacles on the left and right side of the frame, this method allows the robot to move without colliding with obstacles. The reliability of the algorithm is confirmed by some examples. Keywords: optical flow, the strategy of balance, focus of expansion, the time for communication, avoiding obstacles. 1. Introduction The term is used for visual navigation of robot motion control based on analysis of data collected by visual sensors. Golf visual navigation is of particular importance is mainly due to the vast amount of recorded video sensor materials. The aim of our work is to develop algorithms that will be used for the visual navigation of autonomous mobile robot. The input consists of a sequence of images that are constantly available navigation system while driving the robot. This sequence of images is provided by monocular vision system. Then, the robot tries to understand their environment to extract data from a sequence of image data, in this case, optical, and then uses this information as a guide for the movement. The strategy adopted to avoid collisions with obstacles during movement a balance between the right and left optical flow vectors. The test mobile robot models RWI-B21R. The robot is equipped with WATEC LCL-902 camera (see. Fig. 1). Visuals caught using Matrox Imaging cards at a rate of 30 frames per second. Fig. 1 The robot and the camera. Fig. 2 shows a flowchart of navigation. Fig. 2 Algorithm for prevention of obstacles. The first optical flow vectors are computed from image sequences. To make a decision about the orientation of the robot, the calculation of the position of the image plane in the DMZ is necessary because the control is transferred to the law with respect to the focus of expansion. Then, the depth map calculates the distance to an obstacle, to provide an immediate response to a short distance from the obstacle, or to give a signal to the robot to ignore obstacles. 2. Otsenka movement Movement in the sequence of images obtained by camera induced movement of objects in 3-D scene and / or camera motion. 3-D objects and the camera motion is a 2-D motion image plane via the projection system. It is a 2-D movements, also called apparent motion or optical flow, and should be the starting point of the intensity and color information of the video. Most of the existing methods of valuation movements are divided into four categories: basic techniques of correlation, the basic methods of energy, basic methods of parametric model and the basic methods of differentiation. We chose the technique of differentiation, based on the intensity of the preservation of a moving point for the calculation of the optical flow, for this purpose, the standard method of Horn and Schunck (Horn and Schunck manual, B., 1981). After calculating the optical flow, we use it for navigation solutions, such as trying to balance the number of left and right sides of the flow to avoid obstacles. 3. The laws of optical flow and management As well as the observation point moves through the environment, and the sample beam, reflecting this point varies continuously generates an optical flow. . One way in which the robot may use this information to a movement to achieve a certain type of flow. For example, to maintain the orientation of the environment, the type of optical flow does not flow at all requests. If some flow is detected, the robot should change their strength by producing their effectors (whether wings, wheels or legs). so as to minimize this flow, in accordance with the control law (Andrea, PD; William H. Lelise PK, 1998) .. Thus, the change of the internal forces of the robot (as against external forces such as wind) is a function of changes in the optical flow (here from a lack of flow to the minimum flow) .. The optical flow contains information about the location of the surface and the direction of the observation point called the focus of expansion (CLE), the time to contact (TTC), and depth. 3.1. The focus of expansion (RF) For the translational movement of the camera, the motion picture is always directed away from the only point of the corresponding projection of the vector transmission to the image plane. This point is called Focus Expansion (DF), it is calculated on the basis of the principle that the flux vectors are oriented in certain directions with respect to the focus of expansion. At full optical flow is the horizontal part of the DF horizontally located, in accordance with the situation in which the majority of the horizontal components of variance (Negahdaripour, S. Horn, CP 1989). It can be estimated using a simple counting method, which counts the horizontal components of the signs, which focus on each point of the image. At the point where the maximum divergence, the difference between the number of RF components on the left of the right and the number of components must be minimized. Similarly, we can appreciate the vertical position of the FF by identifying the positions of most of the vertical components. Fig. 3 Calculation of the DF. Fig. 4 shows the result of calculating the risk factors in indoor RF is shown as a red square in the image. Fig. 4 The result of the calculation of risk factors. We also use optical flow to estimate the remaining time of contact with the surface. 3.2. Contact time The contact time (VC) can be calculated from the optical flow, which is extracted from monocular image sequences acquired during the movement. Speed Image can be described as a function of the camera parameters and is divided into two periods depending on the rotation (Vt) and the translational components (Vr) at the camera speed (V), respectively. The rotational part of the flow field can be calculated from the proprioceptive data (for example, the rotation of the camera) and the focal length. After global variable optical flow is calculated, (Vt) is determined by subtracting (Vr) from (V). From translational optical flow contact time may be calculated by the formula (Tresilian, J., 1990): Here? is the distance from the point in question (xi yi) on the image plane, the focus of expansion (FR). Note how the flow rate indicating the length of vector lines increases as the distance from the focus of the image expansion. In fact, this distance is divided at a constant speed, and is a relative rate used to estimate the time of contact. In Fig. 5 we show the VC assessment transfer sequence. (A). The corresponding graph of VC (b) consistent with the theory. Fig. 5 Evaluation of the VC. 3.3. Calculating the depth (intensity) Using the optical flow field is calculated from two successive images, we can find information about the depth of each flow vector calculation by combining VC and speed of the robot while taking pictures. where X depth, V is the speed of the robot, and T VC (calculated for each optical flow vector). Fig. 6 Calculation of depth. Fig. 6 shows an image depth, which is calculated by the VC. The darkest point is near, while the brightest point is the farthest from the scene, so the brightest point is the navigation area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the robot. 3.4. Balance strategy for obstacle avoidance The basic idea behind this strategy is offset (parallax) movement, the robot translates nearest objects rise to more rapid movement on the retina than more distant objects. He also takes advantage of the prospects that closer objects also occupy a larger field of view, rejecting the average with respect to the associative flow. The robot turns away from the stronger flow. This control law is formulated: Here the difference in the strength of the two sides of the body of the robot, and Is the sum of the magnitude of the optical flow in the visual field of the hemispheres on one side of the header robot. We have implemented a strategy to balance our mobile robot. As we have shown in Fig. 7, the left optical beam (699, 24) is greater than the right (372, 03), so the solution is to turn to the right to avoid obstacles. (A chair to the left of the robot). Fig. 7 The result of the strategy of balance. 4. Experiments The robot has been tested in our laboratory robotics, robot containing, office chairs, office furniture and computer equipment. In the next experiment, we test the ability of the robot to detect obstacles using only the strategy of balance. Fig. 8 Robot vision. Fig. 8 shows a view from a camera robot initial snapshot. Fig. 9 The first decision. Fig. 9 (a) shows the result of a strategy of balance in which robots have to turn right to avoid the nearest obstacle (the board), and Fig. 9 (b) shows the corresponding depth image, which is calculated from the vector of the optical flow. We see that the brightest point is localized to the right of the image, which determines the navigation area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the robot. Fig. 10 shows a robot when it turns to the right. Fig. 10 Robot vision. Fig. 11 (a) shows the result of a balance strategy in which the robot must rotate to the left to avoid the walls, and Fig. 9 (b) shows the corresponding depth of the image in which the brightest point located on the left side of the image. Fig. 11 The second solution. Fig. 12 The robot is in motion. Figure 12 (a) pokazyvet picture robot in motion in our laboratory, and Figure 12 (b) shows the path that passes by the movement of the robot. We notice that the robot found two principal positions, in which it changes the orientation, position (1) fit into the image and the position of the board (2) corresponds to the wall. Fig. 13 Schedule contact time. Figure 13 shows a graph of left and right optical flow. At the beginning of the stream picture left more than the right, so the robot turns to the right, which corresponds to Figure 12 (d), then right flow increases until it is larger than the left, because the robot is approaching closer to the wall than to the board and we see an increase in the two columns (left and right flow) through the structure 13 in Figure 5, and then the robot turns left, to prevent the wall, it corresponds to position 2 in Fig. 12 (g). It can be seen that the robot successfully wandering around the lab, avoiding obstacles; however, we found that the lighting conditions critically important to detect obstacles, because the image produced by the camera is more noisy in low light and makes the optical flow estimation more wrong. 5. Conclusions The article describes how the optical flow which provides the ability of the robot to avoid obstacles, use control laws, called strategy of balance, whose main purpose is to detect the presence of objects close to the robot on the basis of information on the movement of image brightness. The main difficulty in the use of optic flow to navigate, is that it is unclear what is causing the change of gray values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹(motion vector or changing the lighting). Further improvement of the developed method is possible by connecting other sensors (sonar, infrared ), in cooperation with the sensor chamber. 6. Links Andrew, PD; William, H. Lelise, PK (1998). Environmental Robotics. Adaptive behavior, Volume 6, No. 3/4, 1998 Bergholm, F. Argyros, A. (1999). The combination of central and peripheral vision to navigate reactive robot, in the basis of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, October 1999, pp. 356-362. Horn, KP Schunck, BG (1981). Determining optical flow. Artificial intelligence, à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾- 7, pp. 185-203, 1981. Negahdaripour, S. Horn, KP (1989). The direct method is to place the focus of expansion, comp. Visible Graph. Strongly Protsess.46 (3), 303-326, 1989. Sandidni, G.; Santos-victor, J .; Curotto, F. Gabribaldi, S. (1993). Divergent stereo navigation: learning in bees, in the proceedings of the Company IEEE Computer. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 1993, pp. 434-439. Santos-victor, J. Bernardino, A. (1988). Visual behavior for binocular tracking, robotics and autonomous systems, with 137-148, 1998 Tresilian, J. (1990). 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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Toddlers and Tiaras

Toddlers and Tiaras 2 Screaming crowds (mostly hysterical mothers), make-up, hair extensions, teased hairstyles, clouds of hairspray, fake teeth, false eyelashes, spray tans, elegant costumes, weird postures, twitched face expressions, tiaras, trophies, money and more or less talent are the ingredients for the usual children beauty pageants. Those young girls that compete in these beauty contests are between ages 3 to 10 and sometimes even younger than 2 years old and usually have one only goal, get the money and get the tiara (tiara and/or trophy and/or ribbon).Of course, these insane mothers/fathers (so called parents) enter these little beauties not at their own request into these pageants. They fill in the applications on time, pay the participation fee, create or buy the outfit, establish the type of performance for the talent section, usually some song or dancing is a very popular talent to be displayed. The moms create and exercise the hairstyle and make-up, keep a strict rehe arsal schedule, hire trainers if the mom herself cannot coach the whole thing, travel hundreds of miles with their children just to spend a weekend on an emotional roller coaster and hopefully win the competition.So why do these mothers put their young girls through this experience? Well, first of all, â€Å"For them to have fun and experience dress-up in a more complex environment. † Because she likes it and because she is beautiful, etc. Off the record more, the answers include the â€Å"For the money† and â€Å"Because she has to be number one. Anyway, for myself, the most feared answer to that question would be â€Å"Because I used to participate in such contests myself†, and no matter how that sentenced ends (I always won or I’ve never won, but I know she can do it! ). What can a child learn by being a professional/serial beauty pageant contestant?Well, encouraging the sense of competition and having a hobby to be dedicated to is okay, spending time with mom is great, but when you become a winning machine, and a Tiara chaser collector, serious psychological problems can occur. These contests promote Physical Beauty as the main value, with the talent section being a close second. These children, especially these little girls are going to pay so much attention to her looks and knowing she is being judged for it, will be very susceptible to develop eating disorders, such as Anorexia or Bulimia.Also, paranoid features can occur as a response to the, â€Å"No other girl here is your friend† between mother and daughter and you just smile on the outside and develop a little hatred inside for all other competitors. This also brings another problem to my mind, dissimulation as a form of interaction, which can be used outside contests too and become a habit. All those screaming crowds and rivers of tears and having to put on an act and playing a role could lead to learning hysteric behaviors. Anxiety is no stranger for these youn g girls either.If at first sight they seem to learn how to be prepared for stressful situation, think of this: what if the girl does not really want to participate and does this only to please her mother? What if she can’t actually dance or sing, but she has to do that anyway? And what if she feels embarrassed? What if she would rather like to spend time with friends in her home town and not in some cheap hotel miles away from her house? Then I believe yes, anxiety and frustration are near these children at all times.These and many other psychological problems can emerge from having to be something that you are not at a very early age. And inner problems are not the only ones. Displaying such a mature look (these girls are five or six years old, yet their faces look like those of at least 16 years old) may attract unwanted public, such as pedophiles. Paying the fee for your child’s picture to be posted on a website with heavy traffic is again, in my opinion, not the be st choice to be made. Toddlers and Tiaras 3Unfortunately, there have been cases of young pageant participants that have been victims in murder cases, so things are not as simple as one might think. In most cases, mothers are trying to live out their dreams through their children that they couldn’t accomplish themselves when they were younger. Playing dress-up with your daughter can be great, but why transform it into a full-time job? I must also mention that these competitions occur on weekends, so these children have no downtime or time to themselves to unwind and just play with their friends and do what children do best, â€Å"PLAY. So many things can be discussed about children beauty pageants, ranging from ethics, parenthood, mental health, development, competition or interpersonal relationships, but before I end, give your children time to make their own choices and fulfill their own dreams. Toddlers and Tiaras 4 References http://psychologycorner. com/toddlers-and-chil dren-beauty-pageants-%E2%80%93-risk-factors-for-severe-psychological-turmoils/

Friday, January 10, 2020

Black And White Marriage Essay

Barbara Stanton has been my friends for fifteen years. You might say that she is my best friend. We’ve dated and double-dated, but not once did we ever date outside our own race. About a year ago, Barbara came to me announcing that she was getting married to her boyfriend Paul. I hadn’t seen her for a while because we both began to grow in different directions and I’m ashamed to admit that we didn’t even keep in touch to have a deep conversation. Just some hello’s and goodbyes. When she called to tell me she was getting married, once again she omitted something that may have seemed inconsequential to her, but quite significant to her family and friends. She was marrying a black man. Maybe it’s not so crazy, but in the past few years we’ve seen more black and white couples than ever before. Maybe it’s because children of today’s world don’t even see color, or maybe it’s because of the rappers and hip hop entertainers that we somehow have as role models. Who knows? All that is certain is that where at one time this was totally unacceptable, today it is gaining more and more popularity. On a luncheon that we had with a few friends a few weeks before the wedding, the issue of race was brought up. Barbara had all the statistics. She argued that although race has often been contentious in children’s literature, from controversies over Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, to Bannerman’s Little Black Sambo, to Keats’s The Snowy Day, to Herron’s Nappy Hair. How race is portrayed and who portrays it have been crucial for many critics. ( Sands-O’Connor, Karen â€Å"Why Are People Different? ) She related to us about some of the history of racism, and we had to admit that it seemed rather ridiculous the way the people of old handled it. In the sixteen hundreds, for example, Maryland banned interracial coupling because it wasn’t sure if the offspring of the black slave and white person would be considered a free person or a piece of property. Barbara knew a lot about black history. She told us that many blacks had white ancestry and who are we, the smug whites, as she called us, to not see this. She let us know in no uncertain terms that there were so many white slave ‘owners’ that took advantage of their female slaves that there was an abundance of mixed children born throughout those years. It is estimated that as many as seventy percent of African Americans are descendants of interracial coupling. These include Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Frederick Douglass. Each one of these mentioned are of black and white ancestry, including her intended. Denise, one of Barbara’s cousins brought up the fact that it just wasn’t common for blacks and whites to marry because of the long-term effects. But Barbara had the numbers right there in front of her. She told us that according to the Census Bureau, the number of mixed-race marriages rose from three hundred thousand in 1970 to one point two million in 1990. Between 1960 and 1990, the percentage of African American marriages involving a white spouse more than tripled. She wasn’t alone. Barbara looked at the six of us. â€Å"Of course we realize that we are of different ethnic backgrounds, but we are in love and intend to be married and really don’t care who objects. That is, of course, except the parents and relatives. Somehow, we always care what family says. But, what is interesting about America and it’s occupants is that even though people define their deliberations of interracial marriage in terms of â€Å"culture,† what really bothers them is race. We laughed as she told us that they didn’t tell the family that there was a difference in ethnic background. They just said, ‘guess who’s coming to dinner? ’ and they walk in the door, totally shocking the pants off all in the room. Her family, of course, pretended to be polite and welcoming until the couple left. Then, Barbara said she could imagine her mother’s hand going to the heart and the drama began. This, of course, is with both families, black and white. Barbara and Paul are sure that all through the courtship there will be innuendos right into the wedding day. Paul, in consoling Barbara as the big day approached, told her that friends of his that married interracially had similar problems. Some families give in and actually convince themselves that this is okay. Others really are okay with it and still others completely betray their own feelings. Their family did consent and did seem pleased. However, Barbara really didn’t want to know if these were feelings for show or not. She admitted that they had to face many decisions before the big day, such as the way they’ve handled difference of opinions thus far and religious upbringing of the children. They needed to voice whether they were willing to compromise on some of these issues and most importantly, how they see the role of husband and wife in this marriage of difference. In my opinion, like all marriages, things can lead to disaster or they can be worked on effortlessly, and Barbara and Paul firmly examined their path well before they made the decision to wed. Traditionally, African-American weddings include vivid colors, elaborate costumes and meaningful rituals. Whereas the white wedding embraces a more toned down dress. White bridal gown and pastels usually are chosen for the bride and the maids. The men are usually in black or white tuxedos depending on the time of day the wedding takes place, whereas the black groom sometime chooses a costume designed to the custom of his people. Ironically, in order to avoid all of this, Barbara has chosen to have a civil ceremony in the chapel at city hall and a small dinner at one of the area’s best restaurants. All decisions regarding custom have therefore been eliminated. The night before the wedding, they had a talk with both parents. The question of the future was brought up and the constant changes the human life goes through. They ask the couple how they are going to feel ten to twenty years down the road about this relationship and the offspring of this relationship. They do understand that everyone changes their ideas and opinions and although today they agree on most things, life is funny when it wants to throw bones. If a couple of the same race marries, when each one goes through changes, it is not going to be related to race. This is a big deal. There will be racial slurs on both sides of the family and friends sharing opinions. They will eventually have to deal with school and the black and white mom and dad. The family that evening pointed out that as sad as it is, the child will always be looked upon as ‘different’ because of his or her genetics. However, this was something Barbara and Paul did not agree on. They pointed out that in today’s world, unlike when their parents were growing up, the rivalry between races isn’t as potent. They agreed that some whites looked upon themselves as superior to blacks and in reality there would always be some type of racial issue as long as we have a democracy. It’s just different opinions. These things have a way of working themselves out and as for their children, they will know as soon as they recognize the difference in mom and dad that they are mixed. Growing up with it is certainly not the same as finding out spontaneously when their older. Since that’s impossible, the race issue may be resolved with the age of reason. The next morning, the wedding went off as scheduled. The whites in the chapel at city hall were noticing the difference in the people across the isle and the blacks were noticing the same things. But, they smiled at one another in a friendly gesture of approval. But, Barbara and her new husband knew that you couldn’t take the hand-me-down prejudices out of the older people in the chapel and they knew that there would be difficulties and differences from the get-go. However, they felt this would be a long lasting relationship and they were not willing to give up their future for the likes of racial interference. At the words, ‘I now pronounce you man and wife’, the whole family changed. Now there is a white girl in our family†¦. says one. Now there is a black man in our family†¦. says the other. Life has changed for them all. It’s been five years and the marriage is still going strong. I visited them and their twin boys, two years old who have brought the whole family together and they are loved to pieces by both sides. The children are mixed, but they have the blue eyes of the mother and the full lips of the father. Their color is the color of coffee with milk in it and their hair is a mixture of straight and curly. Perfect. They happen to be absolutely the most beautiful children imaginable. And they know it. There is so much love in that family that no one would guess there is a racial difference. Now, the families admit that they still see color, but only on the outside of the family. They see no color within. As far as the parents go, both couples realized they have a fondness for poker, hence the Thursday night poker club. In conclusion, we see that today, there are few communities with any claim to being racially pure; in modern society there has been a considerable amount of intermarriages which has blurred any such distinctions even further. (Pinsent, Pat: Race and Ethnic Identity pg. 91) So, are we going to get caught with our pants down if we don’t start building our country with the knowledge that all men are indeed created equal? No one actually takes a look-see inside the obviously different race to find out that we are not so different after all. Our wishes and hopes are exactly the same. Our love for our children is bountiful on both sides and our country is important to us all. How than, for a matter of a color, can we be so negative toward one another? I believe it is simply a fact collector. Get the facts on the person. Compare those facts with your own and voila’ we’re all God’s creatures. Barbara and Paul taught us all a lesson. The readers of this essay may have racial differences as well. If so, maybe we should stop and smell the roses and if not†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦how did they smell? CITATIONS BOOKS Sands-O’Connor, Karen – â€Å"Why Are People Different? † Pinsent, Pat: Race and Ethnic Identity pg. 91

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Overcoming Racism And Barriers To Counseling African...

Overcoming Racism and Barriers to Counseling African Americans Racism against African Americans and other ethnicities is still prevalent in our society. Salis (2015) mentions a recent poll of Caucasian and African Americans and found that sixty percent of those surveyed felt racial relationships ha vent improved and forty percent felt they were worse. In this paper, I will identify how a counselor can reduce the effects of racism and discrimination that has affected African Americans. Additionally, I will address what role a counselor plays in reducing the stigma of mental illness within the African American community. Furthermore, I will highlight the legal and ethical issues identified in the video â€Å"Snapping the Chain: Ending Mental†¦show more content†¦To effectively lessen the effects of lifelong racism and discrimination, Hays Erford (2014) recommends a strength-based approach, with the counselor focusing on the individual and family capacities. Focusing on the client’s positive attributes and favorable cultural norms can encourage one to become more resilient (Vaterlaus, Skogrand, Chaney, 2015). Furthermore, applying counseling skills such as unconditional positive regard, empathy, consistency, focusing on the client, and providing a supportive environment can all help the therapeutic relationship (Hays Erford, 2014). Additionally, making the counselor/client relationship equal will also allow the client to feel more comfortable, may dispel the mistrust of counseling prominent in African American culture (Hays Erford, 2014). Finally, acknowledging the racial differences with the client could encourage them to discuss the racism and discrimination they may have experienced (Hays Erford, 2014). Reducing the Stigma Associated with Counseling Per Vaterlaus, Skogrand, Chaney (2015) studies have shown that African Americans reaching out for mental health services are perceived to be powerless or weak, and are often humiliated and feel embarrassed. In a study performed by (Ward, Wiltshire, Detry Brown (2013) African Americans were found to be hesitant to confess any mental health problems and were more likely to cope using religious practices. In my opinion, African Americans are connected toShow MoreRelatedChildren Are Victims Of Violence And Violence3788 Words   |  16 Pagesa daily occurrence. Robberies and physical and sexual assaults occur everywhere and there are often several witnesses to the event. â€Å"Research has shown that exposure to traumatic experiences such as crime and violence, found in predominantly African American communities exceed those in areas dominated by most other ethnic groups† (Coker, et. al., 2014, p. 88). Children are exposed to violen ce and grow up thinking it is a normal part of daily life. These children grow up in fear and use coping mechanismsRead MoreAfrican American Cultural Values And Norms1653 Words   |  7 PagesWhen beginning work with the client, there were a number of apparent differences between her and myself, including age, race, and social class. As previously stated I had to become more culturally competent about working with African American clients before I started seeing the client. Furthermore, I had to become aware of the difficulties that would be present due to our age difference. I made sure to give Betty the opportunity to tell me how situations made her feel, and empathized with her, makingRead MoreSpecial Considerations for Clients of Islamic Faith3055 Words   |  12 PagesB. Pg. 29). Some clients, including those of Muslim culture, may go into the counseling sessions with certain expectations of how the counselor will be and what will go on during their time there. Tailoring the therapeutic process for each client, no matter what their cultural beliefs are, is important because it is like the counselor is sending them the message of understanding and a true desire to help. Racism and perceptual bias are the fourth key predictors for there to be a culturally relatedRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesservice purchase, he or she tells six other potential buyers. In contrast, a dissatisfied consumer informs 25 other potential buyers. That is the leverage of quality in shaping consumer sentiment, which is vital in powering the two-thirds of the American economy that is consumer-driven. Therefore, as companies again go back to the business basics, this is a reminder of the most fundamental of those basics: Company managers need to recognize that a business’s income comes from its customers, not from